The 6 Barriers to Healing

By Gerald Roliz, CNC, MBA, MSACN

The 6 barriers to healing include unresolved scars, metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, biotoxins (mold, bacteria, parasites, viruses), food sensitivities and nutrient deficiency. When the barriers are addressed, healing can happen, naturally. 

Your skin is your largest organ and if scars are not attended to, they can be the cause of stress. Scars on the body may result in interference to the communication pathways from organs to the brain.  It is estimated that about 80% of our sympathetic nerve fibers are in the skin. Your scars are acting as a roadblock to these communication pathways (think of an overturned semi-truck backing up all lanes of a freeway), then health can be adversely affected by causing interference to properly function. The meridians are the freeways of our body.  When scars cross a meridian or lie along its course, the scar impacts the flow of energy throughout that meridian.  Even small scars (especially around the midline of the body) can have a weighty effect. C-section, episiotomy, circumcision, thyroidectomy, vasectomy scars, and even the navel are examples of scars that cross the midline of the body. Holes in the body such as pierced navels, nose rings and pierced ears can behave like scars.  Navel rings almost always have a deleterious effect as they not only cross and disrupt the energy flow.  Surgeries, tattoos, stretch marks, and burns can all leave an unresolved scar.

Heavy metals
Our bodies get exposed to metals come from our food, water, air and substances we apply topically on our skin. Common metals known to cause health issues in humans include aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bromine, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, lithium, mercury, radium, silver, strontium, thallium, thorium, titanium and uranium. Lead exposure is known to lower children IQ levels.1 Aluminum is often found in anti-perspirants and is a known cause of breast cancer and alzheimer’s.2,3

We get exposed to over 80,000 chemicals from our food, water, air and substances we apply topically.4 Many of them can be found in the home.5 These may include acetates/acetones, asbestos, benzene, BPA, PCB’s, chemical additives, chlorine, cosmetics, dioxins, pthalates, fluoride, chemical dyes and colors, synthetic hormones, formaldehyde, synthetic fragrances, fuel exhaust, hydrocarbons, medications, pesticides, microplastics, radon, tobacco, vinyl chloride, etc. When the body’s detoxification organs get overwhelmed, many of these chemicals will store in the fat tissue.

Biotoxins include bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.  They love to feed off weak organs or tissues. Bolster the immune system and use the right nutrition or herbals to address the specific pathogen and then rebuild the tissue so that it is no longer weak. 

Food Sensitivities
The body may surmount an Immunoglobulin A, E or G antibody response to a food you are consuming. These often times may pose as food sensitivities, allergies or intolerances. If this occurs, inflammation is a result. It is key to identify which foods your immune system is over reacting to and eliminate it from the diet temporarily, then clean the body’s bloodstream so that it no longer contains the reactive food’s residues with the use of specific digestive enzymes. Lastly, rebalance the immune system so that it no longer over reacts to that food when it is reintroduced into the diet. Common foods that our patients have issues with are often dairy, eggs, grains, nuts, seeds, grains, seafood, caffeine, sugar, sugar alternatives, specific meats, etc. 

Nutrient Deficiencies
The link between poor nutrition and physical degeneration has been confirmed since the 1930’s by Dr. Weston A. Price. Most domesticated humans have strayed from the native diet. Unfortunately, with the human manipulation of nature, we our food supply has been infiltrated and taken over with genetically modified organisms (GMO), refined carbohydrates, and “manufactured” foods saturated with artificial colorings, preservatives and other chemicals. We are no longer eating the foods our healthy ancestors once ate.

To anyone looking to address the root causes of any health challenge, it is essential to identify which of the 6 barriers to healing you may have.

Non-invasive methods of muscle response testing and/or lab tests can be used to uncover which barriers to healing your body must address first.

If you have any questions about the 6 barriers to healing, feel free to email us at

  1. Schwartz J. Low-level lead exposure and children's IQ: a meta-analysis and search for a threshold. Environ Res. 1994 Apr;65(1):42-55. doi: 10.1006/enrs.1994.1020. PMID: 8162884.
  2. Darbre PD. Aluminium, antiperspirants and breast cancer. J Inorg Biochem. 2005 Sep;99(9):1912-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2005.06.001. PMID: 16045991.
  3. Wang Z, Wei X, Yang J, Suo J, Chen J, Liu X, Zhao X. Chronic exposure to aluminum and risk of Alzheimer's disease: A meta-analysis. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Jan 1;610:200-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2015.11.014. Epub 2015 Nov 27. PMID: 26592479.
  4. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders. Environmental Neuroscience: Advancing the Understanding of How Chemical Exposures Impact Brain Health and Disease: Proceedings of a Workshop. Stroud C, Posey Norris SM, Bain L, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2020 Nov 12. PMID: 33180402.
  5. Cohen L, Jefferies A. Environmental exposures and cancer: using the precautionary principle. Ecancermedicalscience. 2019 Apr 16;13:ed91. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2019.ed91. PMID: 31281435; PMCID: PMC6546253.


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