By Clint Nye

Consider this analogy: You wouldn’t build your house on a weak foundation. You’d ensure the foundation was strong enough to support it. The same logic applies to our bodies, where the skeletal system is the foundation that supports us physically in everything we do.

Your central nervous system will not allow your muscles to become stronger than what your skeletal system can handle. To understand the importance of the skeletal system, it’s important to understand the role of the central nervous system in regulating your body’s strength. The central nervous system regulates the physical strength of your body based upon the strength of the skeletal system. As your skeletal system declines with age, your physical strength declines as well. Your central nervous system will not allow your muscles to become stronger than what your skeletal system can handle. If you have ever reached a plateau in your strength training or experienced strength loss as you age, a likely reason is the weakness of your skeletal system.


We know through research that dates back to 1892 that if bone tissue receives a sufficient amount of pressure it will adapt and become stronger. Since the 19th century, the medical community has been looking at the relationship of bone to muscle. Dr. Julius Wolff, a German anatomist and surgeon, made the discovery that bone, in a healthy person or animal, adapts to the load under which it is placed. This pressure stimulates the development of healthy new bone tissue, creating healthier and stronger bones. Now known as Wolff’s Law, he also stated that the reverse of this was true. Bones exposed to decreased pressure, or load, would become less dense and weaker. A century later, in 2012, a research study on osteogenic loading discovered the minimum amount of pressure required to stimulate bone development is 4.2 times a person’s body weight. From this research a unique robotic musculoskeletal development system was designed to safely deliver the proper stimulus to just about anyone at any age. This proprietary system for osteogenic loading, called Spectrum, specifically develops the foundation of your physical body, the skeletal system, both efficiently and without risk of injury. You don’t have to lose healthy bone tissue as you age. Osteogenic loading can help you maintain strong and healthy bones for life.


• Increased Energy and Strength

• Improved Posture, Agility and Balance

• Often the Reversal and Elimination of Joint and Back Pain

• Avoidance or Reversal of Osteoporosis

In just one short session per week, OsteoStrong users are reporting dramatic improvements in their skeletal strength, posture, balance and energy.

2475 S. APPLE STREET, #103, BOISE | 208-331-4072

To learn more about the multiple benefits of OsteoStrong, visit us at WWW.osteostrong .me

INTRODUCING OSTEOSTRONG: Today, more and more people are discovering the benefits of osteogenic loading, and protecting and developing their skeletal strength through OsteoStrong, the owners of Spectrum. By attending one session a week, that takes between 10 and 15 minutes with no fatigue, sweating or even a need to change out of your regular clothes, you can take a significant step toward strengthening that vital foundation and creating a whole new level of health.

HERE’S WHAT THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY IS SAYING ABOUT OSTEOGENIC LOADING “I personally have been a member of OsteoStrong. I read and was impressed by the medical literature about its benefits. It has become a precious part of my week and my own healthcare and wellbeing.” Dr. Sally Fisher M.D., M.S. Integrative & Nutritional Medicine “After 6 months I have seen patients with bone density scans showing a remarkable 7% improvement.” Dr. Harvey Mishner M.D., Internal Medicine “Osteogenic loading is a very effective modality for improving endurance, strength and bone mass. It’s a fast and efficient way of improving muscle and bone strength. It also provides a predictable and measured change in muscle and bone mass. Functional and daily activities improve with osteogenic loading.” Dr.Raj M. Sinh M.D., Neuro Rehabilitation American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Gains begin immediately, but the long-term effects are astounding.


Loading Improvement in Balance Test after the First 5 Sessions AN AVERAGE OF 77% % Improvement in Balance Test IMPROV EMENT CASE STUDY RESULTS BALANCE ANALYSIS FROM 152 PEER REVIEWED STUDIES ANALYSIS OsteoStrong Sessions Bone Anabolic Drugs Bisphosphonate Drugs Weight Bearing Exercise Whole Body Vibration Walking No Activity Non Active Lifestyle and no supplements In each of these studies, participants also took Calcium and Vitamin D3 supplements BONE DENSITY ANALYSIS STRENGTH GAIN RESEARCH TYPE TWO DIABETES BASED ON 7 MINUTES ONCE A WEEK 500 People Avg. Age 52 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR % REDUCTION IN A1C (LONG-TERM BLOOD GLUCOSE) Osteogenic Loading (with no weight loss) Cardiovascular Exercise Metformin (with no weight loss) Weight Bearing


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