Caitie Daidone Coaching LLC || Holistic Weight Loss

Caitie Daidone

I help women entrepreneurs stop stress-eating so they can lose weight and show up confidently in their business.

Does this sound familiar?

As a busy entrepreneur you...

  • Find yourself turning to food for fun and comfort, even though you’d love to lose some extra weight.

  • Want to play bigger in business but don’t feel confident on stage or in front of the camera.

  • Struggle to carve out time to take care of you, thinking something’s got to give.

Imagine playing as big as you want in your business, no longer feeling held back. 

Picture yourself…

  • Nothing but excited picking out the outfits for your next photoshoot.

  • Feeling completely confident in front of the camera and in-person at networking events, able to focus all of your attention on connection and service to the people you’re showing up for (including yourself!).

  • Not even thinking about your weight anymore - it’s effortless to maintain, and you feel completely in control and at ease around food. 

This is your after story - a life filled with unwavering confidence, vibrant energy, and increased capacity to live life full out.

Are you ready to step into this new chapter of your journey?

My signature one-on-one coaching program, “Weight Loss for Entrepreneurs,” is a clear process based on three pillars: Soothe Stress, Shed Pounds, and Shine Bright. Each week I will take you through exercises, questions, and coaching to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. You will learn to embody and become the version of you that effortlessly maintains the mindset and lifestyle that gets you to AND keeps you at your ideal weight.

Health Categories:

Life Coaching
Weight Loss
Women Wellness

Health Conditions Treated:



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